Jonathan I Feel So Bad

Compilation Bootleg: The Lost Tapes - Vol 2
The Lost Tapes - Vol 2


Now it's time for
Uh oh
More catastrophe
Now it's time for
Jonathan, I'm Feeling Bad
Yeah, I know
You have no words of sympathy for me
I know
Well at least I'm not saying stuff
At least I'm not saying to forget her
We're in G minor
At least I'm not telling you to chill out
Until that time
Yeah I know
Well aren't you going to say anything to help me?
I can't think of anything
At least I won't say any bad stuff
Like forget about it
Concentrate on anything else
I won't be saying stuff like that
Jonathan, have you been there?
Yeah I've been there
I know what it feel like to feel that bad
That's why you should tell me

Jonathan, I feel so empty
It's like I've got nothing inside
I know that feeling
I won't tell you to snap out of it
Other people would tell you
Avoid everything
I wouldn't tell you that
Those people are dead inside
Those who don't want to feel pain
I get it
Not what I say
They will never fall in love
Those who can fall in love
Won't feel sorry for you
They've probably been there too
They would think you're a fool if you try and get rid of that pain

My other friends tell me to forget it Jonathan
What do you think?
Well, listen to them if you want
But I don't ???
But she may never come back
So what?
Do you want to be ???
??? For the rest of my life
Well this way you might not be officially miserable
You'll just be dead inside
You just ??? happy
But you'll know
